I was very excited to have a comment posted! Thank you, Aileen! I thought I'd be a bit gutted if NOBODY replied! Aileen when are you going to start your 365 days 'challenge'??
“Never by reflection, but only by doing is self-knowledge possible to one.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
“Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.” (Barbara De Angelis)
I don't give myself enough real moments of solitude or self-reflection, such important part of my holistic self... Don't worry: I shan't start ruminating and reflecting here. I think the self-reflection needs to be practiced in a calm quiet place aided by Nature. So what I need to do is set time aside every so often, take a walk down to the forest and sit in a quiet, still place and... reflect. But having said that I am not self-disciplined enough! I will find things that need to be 'done' rather than going off for solitude. I will procrastinate. I will first need a cup of coffee(!). I will have doggy-do to clean up and sanitise the floor. If I do get to go and sit quietly in the forest, my reflections will take on a mind of their own. I will start out rationally and follow my breathing, slow and even. My mind will go inwards and I will look at a 'flame'. I will see the orange blue of the flame... then I will think of a dress made of orange and blue organza floating in the wind. Spiralling. Billowing. Like washing on the line- I don't have a washing here, not like the one in Estelle Street, at the back of the house outside the laundry next to the studio. The studio where I used to paint and do my art projects. I loved the little family-tree amphora I made. About 50 of them...
AND THAT is how my 'reflection' goes!! My mind has a path of its own! Perhaps I need to tame it, tie it down. Hhhmmm. Tying. Binding. I loved my bound Barbie project...
OK!! I am going now. To make some coffee.
(Would still love some feedback)
Realisation: perhaps no-one [except Aileen :) ] reads my blog!!