The creative process is a process of surrender, not control (Julia Cameron)
When you feel you are being moved by the creative spirit, you are in fact being moved by the divine feminine (Teri Degler)
Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You cannot get there by bus, only by hard work, risking and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you will discover will be wonderful: Yourself (Alan Alda)
I have no idea what I am doing!
Little by little I am gathering my bits together and creating. My art journal progresses (to be honest I don’t always keep up to date with my art journal prompts from day to day - I have a catch-up day). I unearthed my tin and its lid, expecting them to be delightfully rusted after more than a week buried in the veggie garden. Disappointingly, they were not as rusted as I had thought once I had scrubbed away the sandy residue. However they have their own character now that I will work with.
I am being moved by the divine feminine…? Am I? Today wasn’t moved by very much at all – had a lazy day at home. I have a really sore tooth, so haven’t really felt like doing much today.
I want to feel the obsession grab me once I get my teeth into a project. I remember making my amphora and spending every available moment creating them: pouring the slip into the moulds, opening dry ones and being delighted with what lay inside, sanding, carving, polishing. It became an obsession. The end result of which I have left behind in the city of my comfort.
The Divine Feminine. There are six feminine archetypes: Goddess, Queen, Priestess, Warrioress, Lover, Wise Woman…
Right now all I want to do is have a warm bath and do to bed, perhaps to dream about being a Divine Feminine persona. But for the moment I will have to be satisfied with just being… me.
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Today’s Art Journal Prompt:
Art Journal Prompt for DAY 9
Feature collaged houses in your art journal page
Much excitement for us at the news that Roarke and Gina are going to get married! In October. Gina’s mom (a jeweller) is making her ring: silver and an emerald I believe. I always said I was going to make my daughter-in-laws wedding dresses… But I guess I live a bit far away…