Life is about giving, and the rest is taken care of (Peter Cajander)
All that you give to others you are giving to yourself (Anthony De Mello)
The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words (Rachel Naomi Remen)
Today, after giving Sarah a long-promised and much-postponed Reiki session, she thanked me for the session and I said it was my pleasure, sincerely. Sarah remarked that my real gift is that of Giving. I smiled broadly at this, because Giving kept popping up today. I remembered the meditation in London: I took away one sentence from the guided words – “I am on this Earth to Give, not to take”. My Ohm Message for today was about giving:
Yet by simply [Giving to] others whenever we can, we become part of something far larger than our individuality. Any isolation we might have felt disappears and is replaced by a wonderfully potent sense of personal satisfaction. Our efforts, no matter how small, remind us that we are, in fact, capable of making a difference using only the tools and resources we have in our possession.
And, my Findhorn words for today were about the gift of Giving.
I gave a smile to a street-person in London. He seemed slightly taken aback, then beamed back at me. I loved that I made a tiny difference in his life. I like giving positive words of encouragement. I like giving tiny gifts: on the beach at Beachy Head I selected a pebble each for Ariél and Shane.
I am quite happy to give rather than receive. In fact, it is often difficult to take; to accept ‘gifts’ from others. This has been a lesson I am still learning. When I was in South Africa recently, I was so spoiled by everyone and sometimes found it difficult to accept the gift of a meal, for example, from Mom and Dad, to Doug, to my friends Paul and Andre. But after protesting for a bit, I thought that they wouldn’t have offered if they didn’t want to Give…Hopefully I accepted their gifts graciously.
I like making a difference using the tools and resources with which I have been blessed. I love giving Reiki sessions. When I Give I do Give something to myself too, or receive something – a sense of delight and pleasure.
I now Give you a warm hug and a smile.