Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning (Maya Angelou)
One great use of words is to hide our thoughts (Voltaire)
Language, words is apparently what sets us apart from other animals.
It is quite amazing how quickly babies learn to use words, babbling about with sounds, and their parents reinforcing their sounds when they hear a ‘word’. Sometimes the meaning of the child’s words is obscure for a while and has to be worked out in context.
Before Ariel could even talk she was very vocal about what she wanted to wear. I had to go through all her little dresses in the morning, and she go “uh-uhh!” until I got to the one she wanted to wear. Then she said one day that she wanted “yo yosh”. I said I didn’t have any yo-yos. “yes yo yosh!!” she retorted angrily. She went to the cupboard and pulled out a pair of socks: “yes yo yosh!” She wore these with her “woosh”.
Kyle and Roarke watched vidjoes, ate bilomey and cheekin, and wore bejamas. They each went to hostible a few times to see the fizzy-lady when their chests closed up. They loved their amials, Nina and Stannie. I was climbing up the stairs form the garage into the house one day with little Kyle and Roarke in tow. Nina was waiting to greet us at the top of the stairs. One of the twins said, “Mommy, when Nina dies will we eat her cheekin?”
It’s not what you; it’s how you say it that’s important. And how you interpret what your mom has told you do or not to do. It was bath-time fro Kyle and Roarke. We were running the water when the phone rang. I said to the twins: “I don’t want you to get into the bath until I come back. Don’t put even a finger into the water.” They nodded. While I was on the phone it was quiet, I could hear the boys moving about, so I knew they were not getting into hot water… When I had finished the phone call and went back to bath-time, I was met with a bath full of books, plastic chair, duvet, pillow, toys, shoes. My instructions had been followed: they had not climbed into the water nor put even a finger into it.
Sometimes I wish I could push “rewind” after uttering words, that I hear coming from my mouth. My way-with-words, as AriĆ©l calls them, has made me embarrass myself often. Sandra used to swim every morning with her son, when the children and I had swimming lessons before school. I asked her one day how old her son was, thinking he looked about my boys’ age, and she being roughly my age. There was a pause. Then she looked up and answered that he was not her son, he was her boyfriend. Way-with-words: rewind!
Words… one day I will write the story that is not yet inside me… In the meantime I will be silent and paint my words: “One picture is worth ten thousand words” (Chinese proverb).
You have a wonderful way with words - they paint pictures, i love these writings of yours xx