Dear Diego,
I know you can't actually read this, and that if you could you probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway. I also know this may sound a bit melodramatic, as you have just moved homes, you haven't gone to heaven or anything like that.
I would just like to tell you though, that although cats are just supposed to be pets, I love you like you are a very special person to me. I have missed being away from you these past two years, but at least I knew I could come and visit you. Now, however, I will just miss you forever.
I am sorry if it felt like I was betraying you and abandoning you, I wasn't. I just want you to have the best home you can; you deserve to be treated like the prince you are. I know you will be very spoiled at you your new home - don't eat too much you greedy little boy. Please don't forget me, as I will never forget you.
I love you so much Diggy, and I know that everyone else who knows you loves you too (though I love you the most!). I hope you are blissfully happy in your new home, and I hope that I can be too, even without you there with me.
Too much love to put into words,
Ariel (your human slave and tummy scratcher)
Aww, Ariel, my precious. You have made me cry. I am feeling your sadness. I know how you feel. Diggy won't ever forget you: you are his soulmate. I love you.xxx