Sunday, February 6, 2011

365 Days, Day 243

Learn to be patient and to wait for the right timing for everything. Know that things will work out perfectly... Much is waiting to unfold at the right time… the unfolding process will take place – there is a harmony and rhythm in place. Nothing is out of step, so work with it and not against it. If you work against it you will simply exhaust yourself and get nowhere, like swimming against the tide. Avoid working against something which is inevitable but instead learn to go along with it in absolute peace and confidence that you are doing the right thing at the right time (Aileen Caddy, Opening Doors Within)

It was blustery and cold out today, but Tom and I took Lily for a walk in the forest. As we crossed over the railway bridge, we saw a huge branch of a tree blocking the whole of the little fenced off walkway. We had to do a hidey-hole creepy-crawley walk to get through it: what fun! Lily had to be carried.

As we walked along, I heard the trees talking to me. They said that I should not worry about wanting things to happen right now, that I should look to them for the answers…? What? I looked at the tall trucks being billowed about. A few had been uprooted by the wind. But most of the trees were still standing. I was reminded of the workshop Nicki and I did at Findhorn year before last (was it that long ago!?) called Resilience in Turbulent times. The way to cope in times of trouble or difficulty is not to become resistant, but rather to move with the rhythm of the waves. Don’t fight, just move. Sway gently. Bend your knees and sway back and forth.

Thoughts of: If I don’t get out there and take the bull by the horns, then nothing will get done, or, I have to take charge and confront the situation to make things happen, start to appear in our heads. I am learning the lesson of being patient. Putting things in place for action to happen. But learning that there is a rhythm and if I don’t get frustrated, a harmony in the timing. I don’t understand the timing and find that frustration does get the better of me at times. I applied for yet more jobs this weekend – when am I going to find a wonderful/boring/any job?

Don’t fight, just move. Sway gently. Bend your knees and sway back and forth.


  1. Both this blog and the one before really resonate with me. I have been in these learnings the past year or so. For me fear has been my biggest obstacle and the lack of faith. Hence my Faith, Gratitude, Abundance energys and learnings. I came across a saying last year that made a really big shift for me.
    "We can't change the wind but we can adjust the sails" Anon.
    I stopped trying to beat across the wind in an affort to get to where I thought I should be going and instead adjusted my sails and did some sailing with the wind behind me - the water calmed and peace was more available. I don't think it made any difference to my perceived destination.
    much love xx

  2. it's so very nice to meet you, and i thank you for entering my give-away and your sweet comment. i love your photo of the day and have very much enjoyed reading your post. both times.

    findhorn. that is somewhere i have wanted to go for a few years now. i've felt drawn to there since i was told of it's existence when researching ideas for my sustainable community i wish to create someday here in oregon.

    sway gently. that is my life these past several weeks. don't fight, just move. all of this resonates so well with me.

    i'm very glad to have "met" you and i wish you the very best in your artistic pursuits.
