Thursday, August 5, 2010

365 Days, Day 59

Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human (Anthony Robbins)

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose (Tennessee Williams)

The Yee-ha Sistas (Mandy, Karen, Nicki and me) had a girls’ weekend away in Cape Town a few years ago. From the moment we left we started giggling. Mandy is the craziest friend ever. She sang to the people at the airport check-in: “That’s the Way I Like it”; she ‘chatted’ up the man in the bus to aeroplane, he seemed quite interested until she told him her name was Sandy and her job was …x.

One of the crazy things we did on this weekend: was a fish lunch at the Strandloper, where you have your meal on the beach. There are loads of courses of fish dishes. After the experience of the hairy mussels, I have mussel phobia. Karen, with her fear of birds, was terrified of the seagulls swooping in around us for snacklets. We saw a kleurling vrou coming out of the bushes…. oh wait, I can’t tell this story here…

On that weekend, during the beginning of August with a cold and blustery wind blowing the sand over our beach braai, I huddled in my coat with the fur hood. I am not sure whose idea it was, but it was decided that the four of us would have a skinny-dip in the sea. Clothes were shed with much giggling, Nicki and I hurtled down the sand in to the waves with Karen and Mandy bringing up the rear. They were laughing so much they couldn’t run. Nicki and I plunged out feet into the water with shrieks of craziness! Who skinny-dips in the Atlantic ocean in the middle of winter!!?

This is an edited version of the weekend: what-happens-in-Blouwkrantz-stays-in-Blouwkrantz! By the end of the weekend, my jaw was aching from laughing so much. [I had normal coloured hair back then]

Another crazy experience was the quad bike outing I had in Limpopo on the movie set of Prey. Dawyn worked on the 'farm' which belonged to an Arab sheik. The young princes who sometimes visited the farm, had their own quad bikes... We took them (the bikes not the princes) for a ride. Cobus, Dawyn and I headed out into the Limpopo bushveld on quad bikes wearing goggles, no helmets [I had never ridden a quad bike before, but as I didn’t want to be left in the dust of C and D, I quickly learned]. I chase after them screaming loudly – so exhilarating. We sped along the veld to the Limpopo River which was empty at that time, and rode up and down the sides of the basin like area. Dawyn’s bike fell over on top of him, but being a boer, he was up and back on his bike before we could even register concern. When we arrived back at base camp and took off our goggles, we nearly fell over laughing: our faces were dusted red-brown, with white racoon-patches where the goggles had been. Come to think of it, there may have been some late night swimming in the off-limits film casts’ pool. Hehe. [I had pink hair then]

Time for some more craziness…!

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